Sunday 26 June 2011

Visit Leilem

Since the 1930s wood processing industry is already there in the village of Leilem, carts and wooden house is the first product of the craftsmen. In the 1960s craftsmen see opportunities and do product development, businessmen began to produce furniture. Over time the furniture from the village of Leilem began to received by market area, even to the exported abroad because it has good quality. In the 1980s and 1990s was the golden age of the furniture industry in the village of Leilem. Even in 1998 Indonesia President BJ Habibie visits the timber industry in the village of Leilem. Village of Leilem as one of the areas of industry in Minahasa in North Sulawesi and continue to develop the quality of products and now entrepreneur from the village of Leilem furniture has been expanding not only in the North Sulawesi but also to Balikpapan, Tobelo, Manokwari, Sorong, Jayapura, and other areas in Papua.
In addition to having the furniture industry, the village of Leilem has the potential to tourism which is a natural hot spring baths. Hot water sulfur comes from these former volcanic eruptions. Around the hot water baths there are lodgings Sulfur Resort. In the middle of the village of Leilem we can see a beautiful church and the many tourists who often visited the Church.
If you're visiting the North Sulawesi come to village Leilem sure you will enjoy it.

Friday 24 June 2011

Gereja-gereja di Leilem / Churches in Leilem

Gereja Masehi Injili di Minahasa "Imanuel" Leilem
The Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa "Emmanuel" Leilem

Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia "Zaitun" Leilem
Pentecostal Church in Indonesia "Olive" Leilem

Gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh Leilem
Seventh Day Adventist Church Leilem

Puncak Paso Desa Leilem

Pemandangan di Gunung Takoy (Tempurung) yang sudah meletus sebelum berdirinya Desa Leilem   
View on Mount Takoy (Shell) that had erupted before the establishment of the village of Leilem

Thursday 23 June 2011


Pabrik tempat produksi meubel dan tempat pengolahan kayu
Factory where the production of furniture and wood processing

Rumah Panggung

Rumah kayu Leilem
Leilem wooden house

Roda Pedati

Inilah gerobak sapi buatan pengrajin dari desa Leilem.
Here's the wheelbarrow from the village of Leilem

Sejarah Desa

Mimbar Gereja / Pulpit

Mimbar Gereja

Mimbar Gereja / Pulpit

Desa Industri

Tahun 1930-an industri pengolahan kayu sudah ada di Desa Leilem dengan produknya roda pedati dan rumah panggung. Di tahun 1960-an mulai diproduksi perabotan dan kas truk. Di masa keemasannya tahun 1980-90an produk-produk meubel Leilem yang teruji kualitasnya sangat berkembang pesat dan populer di Sulawesi Utara, bahkan tahun 1998 Presiden BJ Habibie mengunjungi industri kayu di Desa Leilem. Saat ini meubel Leilem telah melakukan ekspansi hingga ke Balikpapan, Tobelo, Manokwari dan sekitarnya.